Base de Conhecimento

Formula Cheat Sheet Part 3

Below is a comprehensive list of iForms formula functions that can be used in various field properties throughout the platform wherever the hammer icon is present.



1. Contextual

6. Logic 11. Choices
2. System Values 7. Data Conversion 12. Data Interchange
3. Math 8. Data Sources 13. Location
4. Text 9. Lists/Sets Of Values 14. Process Steps
5. Date/Time 10. Repeats/Tables 15. Advanced Maths





SELECTED({{choicesfield}}, 'val')
Choice Is Selected
Returns true if the value given is selected in the given choices field, false otherwise.

Count Selected Choices
Returns the number of choices selected on the given choices field.






Returns the HTTP status code received when the given REST field last performed a REST request.


e.g. If the REST field named 'myRestField' executes a request successfully then HTTPSTATUS({{myRestField}}) should return a value of '200'.


Learn more about HTTP status codes

JSONVAL({{myjson}}, 'resp.token')
Value From JSON
Returns the value from the given JSON for the given JSONPath query.
Use the optional true/false validate parameter to raise an error if the query fails.
Note: The JSONPath '$.' prefix is not required.
Learn more about JSONPath

e.g. JSONVAL({{myjson}}, 'resp.token')

Test your JSONPath here

JSONLIST({{myjson}}, '')
List of Values From JSON
Returns a List of values from the given JSON for the given JSONPath query.
Use the optional true/false validate parameter to raise an error if the query fails.
Note: The JSONPath '$.' prefix is not required.
Learn more about JSONPath

e.g. JSONVAL({{myjson}}, 'resp.token')

Test your JSONPath here    

XMLVAL({{myxmlfield}}, 'resp/token')
Value From XML
Returns the value from the given XML for the given XPath query.
Use the optional true/false validate parameter to raise an error if the query fails.
Note: The opening XPath '/' is not required.

e.g. XMLVAL({{myxmlfield}}, 'resp/token')

Learn more about XPath
XMLLIST({{myxml}}, 'resp/products/id')
List of Values From XML
Returns a List of values from the given XML for the given XPath query.
Use the optional true/false validate parameter to raise an error if the query fails.
Note: The opening XPath '/' is not required.

e.g. XMLLIST({{myxml}}, 'resp/products/id')

Learn more about XPath





Returns the latitude in decimal degrees of the given location value.
Returns the longitude in decimal degrees of the given location value.
Returns the heading against true north in decimal degrees of the given location value.

Returns the altitude above/below sea level in metres of the given location value.

Returns the accuracy in metres of the given location value.
Street Number
Returns the street number for the given location value.
Matches 'sub_thoroughfare' on OASIS Specification.

Street Name
Returns the street name for the given location value.
Matches 'thoroughfare' on OASIS Specification.

City / Locality
Returns the city / locality name for the given location value.
Matches 'locality' on OASIS Specification.

County / District
Returns the county / district area for the given location value. Mainly USA specific.
Matches 'sub_admin_area' on OASIS Specification

State / Province
Returns the state / province for the given location value.
Matches 'admin_area' on OASIS Specification.

Postal / Zip Code
Returns the postal / zip code of the given location value.
Matches 'postal_code' on OASIS Specification.

Country Code
Returns the ISO country code of the given location value.
Matches 'country' on OASIS Specification.

MIBETWEEN(startPoint, endPoint)
Miles Between
Finds the miles between two geo-points, using great-circle math.
Geo-points are strings in 'lat lon' format, Location field answers are also geo-points.

e.g. MIBETWEEN('-8.45234 27.7623423', {{myGpsField}})

KMBETWEEN(startPoint, endPoint)
Kilometres Between
Finds the kilometres between two geo-points, using great-circle math.
Geo-points are strings in 'lat lon' format, Location field answers are also geo-points.

e.g. KMBETWEEN('-8.45234 27.7623423', {{myGpsField}})

INPOLYGON(point, polygonPoints)
Is In Polygon (geofence)
Returns a true/false answer on whether the given geo-point is within the given polygon.
Polygon values must be pipe-seperated string of geo-points.

e.g. INPOLYGON({{myGpsVal}}, '-8.6782523 27.2918257|-8.6672229 28.7094422|-7.6447228 29.3849982')





Current Step Name
Returns the name of the current Step in the process. If no Step has occurred yet, then this function returns a blank value.

Is Current Step
Returns true if the named Process Step field is the current Step in the process. If no Step has occurred yet, this function returns true for ANY Process Step name.

Last Completed Step [BETA]
Returns the name of the Step most recently completed in the process.
If no Step has been completed as yet (e.g. in a brand new Form entry in progress on the app), then this function returns a blank value.

This function is ideal for use in Connectors because it will always return a value (since a Step is completed as soon as the entry is uploaded).

STEP-RESULT('dataname') Returns the result of the named Process Step field, if any is set

Step User Email
Returns the email of the user that decided the result (if any) of the named Process Step field

Step User First Name
Returns the first name of the user that decided the result (if any) of the named Process Step field

Step User Last Name
Returns the last name of the user that decided the result (if any) of the named Process Step field





Returns the number 3.14159265358979, the mathematical constant Pi, accurate to 15 digits.

Converts radians to degrees
Converts degrees to radians
Square Root
Returns a number which, when multiplied by it self, will produce the given value.

LOG(val, base)
Logarithm (log)
Returns the exponent to which the given base must be raised to produce the given value.

Returns sine of given radian angle value.
If your value is in degrees, multiply it by PI()/180 or use the RADIANS function to convert it to radians.

Returns cosine of given radian angle value.
If your value is in degrees, multiply it by PI()/180 or use the RADIANS function to convert it to radians.

Returns tangent of given radian angle value.
If your value is in degrees, multiply it by PI()/180 or use the RADIANS function to convert it to radians.

ASIN(val) Returns the arcsine, or inverse sine, of a number.
The returned angle is given in radians in the range -pi/2 to pi/2.

Returns the arccosine, or inverse cosine, of a number.
The returned angle is given in radians in the range 0 (zero) to pi.

Returns the arctangent, or inverse tangent, of a number.
The returned angle is given in radians in the range -pi/2 to pi/2.
Hyperbolic Sine
Returns hyperbolic sine of given radian angle value.
If your value is in degrees, multiply it by PI()/180 or use the RADIANS function to convert it to radians.

Hyperbolic Cosine
Returns hyperbolic cosine of given radian angle value.
If your value is in degrees, multiply it by PI()/180 or use the RADIANS function to convert it to radians.

Hyperbolic Tangent
Returns hyperbolic tangent of given radian angle value.
If your value is in degrees, multiply it by PI()/180 or use the RADIANS function to convert it to radians.


Formula Cheat Sheet Part 1 Formula Cheat Sheet Part 2
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