Below is a comprehensive list of iForms formula functions that can be used in various field properties throughout the platform wherever the hammer icon is present.
1. Contextual |
6. Logic | 11. Choices |
2. System Values | 7. Data Conversion | 12. Data Interchange |
3. Math | 8. Data Sources | 13. Location |
4. Text | 9. Lists/Sets Of Values | 14. Process Steps |
5. Date/Time | 10. Repeats/Tables | 15. Advanced Maths |
SELECTED({{choicesfield}}, 'val') Choice Is Selected |
Returns true if the value given is selected in the given choices field, false otherwise. |
COUNT-SELECTED({{choicesfield}}) Count Selected Choices |
Returns the number of choices selected on the given choices field. |
HTTPSTATUS({{restField}}) |
Returns the HTTP status code received when the given REST field last performed a REST request.
e.g. If the REST field named 'myRestField' executes a request successfully then HTTPSTATUS({{myRestField}}) should return a value of '200'.
JSONVAL({{myjson}}, 'resp.token') Value From JSON |
Returns the value from the given JSON for the given JSONPath query. Use the optional true/false validate parameter to raise an error if the query fails. Note: The JSONPath '$.' prefix is not required. Learn more about JSONPath e.g. JSONVAL({{myjson}}, 'resp.token') Test your JSONPath here |
JSONLIST({{myjson}}, '') List of Values From JSON |
Returns a List of values from the given JSON for the given JSONPath query. Use the optional true/false validate parameter to raise an error if the query fails. Note: The JSONPath '$.' prefix is not required. Learn more about JSONPath e.g. JSONVAL({{myjson}}, 'resp.token') Test your JSONPath here |
XMLVAL({{myxmlfield}}, 'resp/token') Value From XML |
Returns the value from the given XML for the given XPath query. Use the optional true/false validate parameter to raise an error if the query fails. Note: The opening XPath '/' is not required. e.g. XMLVAL({{myxmlfield}}, 'resp/token') Learn more about XPath |
XMLLIST({{myxml}}, 'resp/products/id') List of Values From XML |
Returns a List of values from the given XML for the given XPath query. Use the optional true/false validate parameter to raise an error if the query fails. Note: The opening XPath '/' is not required. e.g. XMLLIST({{myxml}}, 'resp/products/id') Learn more about XPath |
LAT(locationval) Latitude |
Returns the latitude in decimal degrees of the given location value. |
LON(locationval) Longitude |
Returns the longitude in decimal degrees of the given location value. |
HEADING(locationval) Heading |
Returns the heading against true north in decimal degrees of the given location value. |
ALTITUDE(locationval) Altitude |
Returns the altitude above/below sea level in metres of the given location value. |
ACCURACY(locationval) Accuracy |
Returns the accuracy in metres of the given location value. |
STREETNUM(locationval) Street Number |
Returns the street number for the given location value. Matches 'sub_thoroughfare' on OASIS Specification. |
STREET(locationval) Street Name |
Returns the street name for the given location value. Matches 'thoroughfare' on OASIS Specification. |
CITY(locationval) City / Locality |
Returns the city / locality name for the given location value. Matches 'locality' on OASIS Specification. |
COUNTY(locationval) County / District |
Returns the county / district area for the given location value. Mainly USA specific. Matches 'sub_admin_area' on OASIS Specification |
STATE(locationval) State / Province |
Returns the state / province for the given location value. Matches 'admin_area' on OASIS Specification. |
POSTCODE(locationval) Postal / Zip Code |
Returns the postal / zip code of the given location value. Matches 'postal_code' on OASIS Specification. |
COUNTRY(locationval) Country Code |
Returns the ISO country code of the given location value. Matches 'country' on OASIS Specification. |
MIBETWEEN(startPoint, endPoint) Miles Between |
Finds the miles between two geo-points, using great-circle math. Geo-points are strings in 'lat lon' format, Location field answers are also geo-points. e.g. MIBETWEEN('-8.45234 27.7623423', {{myGpsField}}) |
KMBETWEEN(startPoint, endPoint) Kilometres Between |
Finds the kilometres between two geo-points, using great-circle math. Geo-points are strings in 'lat lon' format, Location field answers are also geo-points. e.g. KMBETWEEN('-8.45234 27.7623423', {{myGpsField}}) |
INPOLYGON(point, polygonPoints) Is In Polygon (geofence) |
Returns a true/false answer on whether the given geo-point is within the given polygon. Polygon values must be pipe-seperated string of geo-points. e.g. INPOLYGON({{myGpsVal}}, '-8.6782523 27.2918257|-8.6672229 28.7094422|-7.6447228 29.3849982') |
STEP-CURRENT() Current Step Name |
Returns the name of the current Step in the process. If no Step has occurred yet, then this function returns a blank value. |
STEP-ISCURRENT('dataname') Is Current Step |
Returns true if the named Process Step field is the current Step in the process. If no Step has occurred yet, this function returns true for ANY Process Step name. |
STEP-COMPLETED() Last Completed Step [BETA] |
Returns the name of the Step most recently completed in the process. If no Step has been completed as yet (e.g. in a brand new Form entry in progress on the app), then this function returns a blank value. This function is ideal for use in Connectors because it will always return a value (since a Step is completed as soon as the entry is uploaded). |
STEP-RESULT('dataname') | Returns the result of the named Process Step field, if any is set |
STEP-EMAIL('dataname') Step User Email |
Returns the email of the user that decided the result (if any) of the named Process Step field |
STEP-FIRST('dataname') Step User First Name |
Returns the first name of the user that decided the result (if any) of the named Process Step field |
STEP-LAST('dataname') Step User Last Name |
Returns the last name of the user that decided the result (if any) of the named Process Step field |
PI() Pi |
Returns the number 3.14159265358979, the mathematical constant Pi, accurate to 15 digits. |
DEGREES(angle) Degrees |
Converts radians to degrees |
RADIANS(angle) Radians |
Converts degrees to radians |
SQRT(val) Square Root |
Returns a number which, when multiplied by it self, will produce the given value. |
LOG(val, base) Logarithm (log) |
Returns the exponent to which the given base must be raised to produce the given value. |
SIN(val) Sine |
Returns sine of given radian angle value. If your value is in degrees, multiply it by PI()/180 or use the RADIANS function to convert it to radians. |
COS(val) Cosine |
Returns cosine of given radian angle value. If your value is in degrees, multiply it by PI()/180 or use the RADIANS function to convert it to radians. |
TAN(val) Tangent |
Returns tangent of given radian angle value. If your value is in degrees, multiply it by PI()/180 or use the RADIANS function to convert it to radians. |
ASIN(val) | Returns the arcsine, or inverse sine, of a number. The returned angle is given in radians in the range -pi/2 to pi/2. |
ACOS(val) Arccosine |
Returns the arccosine, or inverse cosine, of a number. The returned angle is given in radians in the range 0 (zero) to pi. |
ATAN(val) Arctangent |
Returns the arctangent, or inverse tangent, of a number. The returned angle is given in radians in the range -pi/2 to pi/2. |
SINH(val) Hyperbolic Sine |
Returns hyperbolic sine of given radian angle value. If your value is in degrees, multiply it by PI()/180 or use the RADIANS function to convert it to radians. |
COSH(val) Hyperbolic Cosine |
Returns hyperbolic cosine of given radian angle value. If your value is in degrees, multiply it by PI()/180 or use the RADIANS function to convert it to radians. |
TANH(val) Hyperbolic Tangent |
Returns hyperbolic tangent of given radian angle value. If your value is in degrees, multiply it by PI()/180 or use the RADIANS function to convert it to radians. |
Formula Cheat Sheet Part 1 | Formula Cheat Sheet Part 2 |