Task Templates

Task Templates let you pre-set various properties of a regular task within your business process as a template that can be used when creating a new task, making the process quicker for dispatchers. Without a template, you need to set every aspect of a task each time.


When logged into the web portal, navigate to Tasks&Dispatch > Task Templates to view any existing and Add New templates.


When adding a new template, you'll be guided through the following steps to create your task template:


  • Create Task Template
    • Basic Settings
    • Advanced Options
  • Template Details
  • Template Activities
  • Template Presets
  • Template Review
  • Template Connectors
  • Create
    • Editing a Template
    • Delete a Template


Create Task Template

The first step lets you set Basic Settings and Advanced Options for the Task Template you're creating.


Basic Settings



Template Name Enter a name to identify the template when creating tasks from it.

Description Enter a brief description of the template.

Icon To Display Select an icon to display on the users' devices when receiving the task.

Allow File Attachments Allows the user creating a Task from this Template to add file attachments to Template Activities.

Create as Draft By default, Tasks created from this Template will have the 'Send Immediately' option checked in the Task Wizard. Use this option to instead create the Task in a Draft status by default. Note, this does not apply when creating recurring tasks from a template.


Advanced Options



Reviewable? Whether or not Tasks that are created through this Template can be reviewed.
This is useful for adding an office review/acceptance process that occurs after the Task has been completed in the field.
Reviewable Templates also allow you to specify which Form entry fields can be updated by office users after the job is completed on the app.

Note, adds a Task Template Review step to the template creation process.

Custom Statuses Add custom statuses that can be applied by reviewers after a Task has been completed by the app user.
This is useful for tracking the steps of an office review/acceptance process that occurs after the Task has been completed in the field.
You can also change the names of the existing app/system statuses, as well as specify colour coding for the various status options.


Template Details

Set various details and properties for the task created by the template. Please review Adding a New Task for more information as Template Details are essentially Task Details.

Template Activities

 Add various activities or file attachments for the task created by the template. Please review Adding a New Task for more information as Template Activities are essentially Task Activities.

Template Presets

When the template consists of activities to Fill Out Form, the Presets step allows for fields from the specified form(s) to be added and when creating a task from the template allows dispatchers to pre-fill those fields with data prior to sending the task out.


And, depending on a preset field's type, whether it be a text, date/time, Choices driven from a data source or even fields within a table field. The dispatcher will be able to enter in or select data as in-app.

Template Review

If the Reviewable option was checked on the Create Task Template step, and the template consists of activities to Fill Out Form, the Review step allows for fields from the specified form(s) to be added that can be reviewed/updated by office users after the task is completed.



Template Connectors

And finally, if you'd like to send an Email out or your own web service, make use of a few other connectors that can be triggered based on whether the Task is Overdue, Owner Changed or Status Changed. Then be sure to add a Template Connector to keep you up to date on a task's progress.



Once you've set all the various options and settings as desired, on the final step, the Template Connectors page, hit Create on the top right corner. Your new template will now be available to create new tasks from when adding new tasks using our Tasks&Dispatch menu areas.


Editing a Template

Once created you can edit the template. To do this, hover your mouse pointer over the template name in the list and choose which property you want to edit.


Delete a Template

To delete a template:

  • Choose to edit the template Details or Settings
  • Click the Trash icon at the top right of the screen. Confirm the deletion


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