מאגר מידע

Adding a Screen/Doc/Data Source to a Folder



Folders are available on the Screens, Docs and Data Sources listing pages in the secure website.


The process to add these items to a Folder is the same for all, so we'll just use Screens as our example.




To add a Screen to a folder


1. In the Screens page (App -> Screens), use the tick box found on the left of each row to select the Screens that you want to move to a folder.



2. Click the Organise button on the top right, this will pop up the "Organise" dialog.




3. On the Not Selected listing box click on the folders that you'd like to add your items into. They should move to the Selected listing box.

4. Click on the +ADD SELECTED button.


Your items will now be in the folders that you selected.


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