Adding a New Folder

New folders can be added on the Screens, Files&Docs or Data Sources pages of the web portal.



Adding a New Folder

By clicking the "Add New Folder" option (+), the create folder popup will display, allowing you to...

  • Enter the folder's Name (required). This name will display in the folder's list, so the more descriptive, the better.
  • Enter in an External ID (optional) if you intend to integrate externally via our exposed APIs.
    (i.e. GET/v2/folder/search)
  • Restrict User Access* (optional) to the folder's content. Either to a group of users or a selected user list.
    • If you have any User Groups registered in the system, then you will also see a Restrict To Group field.
      Should you select a specific group to restrict the Folder to, then only web and app users in that Group will be able to view and access the Folder and its content.
    • You can also specify users to have access to the folder's content. This permission is granted in addition to any user group restriction you apply. Simply choose to add the app users you wish to assign the Folder to. All selected app users will automatically receive access to the contents of the Folder once you save it. 


Enabling this option will cause the system to apply stricter access rules to ALL content.
As a result, the app will only display content that is assigned to at least one Folder.
Content that does not belong to a Folder will not be available on user devices.


Then hit "Save" and close the popup to view the newly added folder in the folder's list. From there, you can either organize existing content or create new content directly in the folder.



Note, although there's no limit to the number of folders you can create within an account but when assigning folder access permissions, a user can only be assinged to a maximum of 90 folders.


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