EWS and Zimbra Connector Limitations


Please take note of the following limitations when configuring an account using EWS:

You can only configure Apple devices to use EWS. Windows machines need to use the
Zimbra Connector with a MAPI connection.

Only one device can be configured to access a single mailbox using EWS. If multiple
devices are configured this causes mail synchronisation issues. It is recommended that
if there are multiple devices that are required to access a mail that the PC is configured
with EWS and phones and tablets to be configured using ActiveSync.

Zimbra Connector

Please take note of the following limitations when configuring an account using the Zimbra Connector:

ZCO is supported on the following Microsoft Operating Systems:

o Windows 10
o Windows 8.1

ZCO is supported on the following versions of Microsoft Outlook:

o Outlook 2019: 32-bit and 64-bit editions of Microsoft Office, including Click to
o Outlook 2016: 32-bit and 64-bit editions of Microsoft Office, including
   Office365 and Client to run versions
o Outlook 2016: 32-bit and 64-bit editions of Microsoft Office

A single mail profile can combine Zimbra, IMAP, Exchange and POP accounts but note
you cannot add more than one Zimbra account to an individual profile. Please
also note that you can add multiple Zimbra profiles.

ZCO synchronizes all your folders including emails in your Inbox, emails you have filed
to other folders, Sent Items, Drafts and Trash. It also synchronizes your Calendar,
Contacts, Tasks and Notes folders.

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