Is right to left content supported?

Our platform does NOT officially support right-to-left (RTL) content or layouts, and there are currently no plans to do so in the future.


Members of our team have deep prior experience with RTL projects, and the prevailing consensus is that providing high-quality RTL support is too complex for our small team to sustainably build and maintain.  

This is because RTL would effectively duplicate the maintenance and testing work required for user interface and content output aspects, which in turn would divert too many developers from other priorities such as new feature development.


We have received reports of customers successfully using our template engine to output Word and Excel documents with correct RTL content, however this should be treated as a lucky byproduct, not an intentionally supported result.  We also cannot guarantee that such output results will remain working into the future, given that we do not write code or test scenarios with right-to-left content in mind.


We realise this is probably not the answer you were hoping for, but we hope that you can appreciate our considered position on this topic!


It's possible that we may add RTL support in the years to come, however, this will only likely occur if our company grows to a size that enables us to take on the large overheads that come with providing quality RTL functionality.


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