
 Adding Data Connections

Depending on the connector you want to use, you may need to set up a Connection first. The...

 Adding Data Connections

Depending on the connector you want to use, you may need to set up a Connection first. The...

 Adding a Google Cloud Platform Connection

To add a Google Cloud Platform Connection, navigate the Side Menu>Connected...

 Adding a NetSuite Connection

Firstly, you'll need to add a NetSuite Connection when logged into the iForms web portal via...

 Adding a Power BI Connection

To add a Power BI Connection, navigate the Side Menu>Connected Data>Connections....

 Adding a SQL Connection

  To add a SQL Connection, navigate the Side Menu>Connected Data>Connections....

 Adding a Salesforce Connection

  To add a Salesforce Connection, navigate the Side Menu>Connected Data>Connections....

 Adding a SharePoint Connection

  To add a SharePoint Connection, navigate the Side Menu>Connected Data>Connections....

 Adding a Snowflake Connection

Snowflake’s Data Cloud provides data storage, processing, and analytics solutions that...

 Adding a Twilio Connection

  Twilio helps you send and manage short messages programmatically. We support Twilio text...

 Adding an Amazon S3 Connection

  In order to push/pull data from your Amazon S3 storage buckets, you must first configure...

 Adding an MS Graph Connection

  Currently, integrations with MS products (OneDrive, Sharepoint) require authenticating a...

 FTP Connection

To add an FTP Connection, on the left-hand menu in the web portal navigate to:Data...

 Getting started with Google BigQuery

  Our platform enables you to quickly and easily connect to Google BigQuery.   This...

 Troubleshooting Connection Issues

SharePoint and OneDrive Issue:Error message of "For security reasons DTD is prohibited in this...