DELETE Bulk Tasks

If you're looking to delete multiple tasks without needing to log into the web portal via our Tasks&Dispatch menu area, similar functionality can be achieved by using our exposed API endpoint DELETE/v2/task/search.



  • API Explorer
  • App Example

API Explorer

First, you'll need to launch our API Explorer in your browser and navigate to DELETE/v2/task/search section.



After expanding the DELETE /v2/task/search section, the request's Model Description and Schema will display more information and where you can simply enter the required parameter values and hit 'Try it out!'.



Required Parameters

  • TaskIds - Enter in up to 100 task ids separated by a comma.
  • CompanyId - Acquired from Organisation&Users>Organisation Setup>Integrations when logged into your account's web portal.
  • IntegrationKey - Acquired from Organisation&Users>Organisation Setup>Integrationswhen logged into your account's web portal. 


Deleted task will be stored in Trash by default for 30 days unless specified by PurgeDays.


After hitting 'Try it out!', the specified tasks will be deleted and the Request URL will be exposed for use in your custom REST requests, where the required parameters can then be dynamically populated.


TaskIds can be acquired using GET/v2/task/search and extracting the response's TaskIds for use in the deletion request.

App Example

Attached is an example app that demonstrates the above-mentioned requests:

  • GET/v2/task/search - Acquire numerous TaskIds based on task status
  • DELETE/v2/task/search - Deletes acquired TaskIds


Simply create a new Data Entry form and import the .xlsx file.


The example has two respective fields requiring your CompanyID and IntegrationKey that can be obtained via Organisation&Users>OrganisationSetup>Integrations.


This example's destination URLs point to the US Node API, if on EU or AU the url will need to change to include 'secure-eu' or 'secure-au'.


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