Our platform enables you to quickly and easily connect your data sources to data from a file...
Google SpreadsheetOur platform enables you to quickly and easily connect your data sources to data from a Google...
SalesforceOur platform enables you to quickly and easily connect your data sources to Salesforce Objects....
Amazon S3Our platform enables you to quickly and easily connect your data sources to data from a File...
BoxOur platform enables you to quickly and easily connect your data sources to data from a...
DropboxOur platform enables you to quickly and easily connect your data sources to data from a...
GeoOpGeoOp is an emerging job management system that allows service jobs to be coordinated and...
Google BigQuery ConnectorOur platform enables you to quickly and easily connect a data source to a Google BigQuery...
NetSuiteOur platform enables you to quickly and easily connect your data sources to NetSuite...
REST Data Source ConnectorThe REST Data Source Connector allows you to pull data from an external API into a data source,...
SQL ServerOur platform enables you to quickly and easily connect your data sources to the SQL Server...
SharePoint List - Data Source ConnectorAfter adding and authenticating a SharePoint or MS Graph connection, you can add SharePoint...
Snowflake ConnectorOur platform enables you to quickly and easily connect your data sources to a Snowflake table....