Organization Setup


You can manage your organization-wide settings by navigating the left side menu to Organization & Users > Organization Setup.

The Organization Setup page allows you to view and control company details such as name & logo and regional date, time & measurement settings, as well as more advanced settings such as metadata, email addresses, and API access.


Also, on various pages, you'll be able to view your company's status pertaining to the page viewed, including user audits.


  • Edit Organization
    • Basic Settings
    • Regional Settings
    • Advanced Options
  • Integrations
    • API Keys
    • Global URLs
    • Email Service
    • External User Authentication and Provisioning
  • Security
    • General
    • Two-Factor User Authentication
    • IP Whitelisting
  • Email Settings
    • Address Settings
    • User Invite Email
    • File Name
    • Notification Alert Email
  • Connections


Edit Organization

Basic Settings

Name Enter the name of your company.
Description Enter a brief description of your company.
Logo Image Upload your company's logo which will display in the app/on devices.

Supports images up to 1000x300 (.png only)
Letterhead Upload your company's letterhead which can be used when printing or exporting form uploads.

Supports images up to 1000x300 (.png only)



Regional Settings

Country Country in which your organization is located.
Default Time Zone The default time zone controls the time you see date and time entries. It automatically takes into account daylight savings time when active, if you select a region that uses it.
Date Format

Enter the format you would like dates to be displayed.

Valid options are:

d, dd = day

ddd, dddd = day of week

M = month

y = year


Examples: MM/dd/yyyy, dd-MMM-yyyy

Time Format

Enter the format you would like times to be displayed.

Valid options are:

h = hour

m = minute

s = second

tt = A.M. or P.M.

h/H = 12/24 hour

hh, mm, ss = display leading zero

h, m, s = do not display leading zero


Examples: HH:mm, hh:mm tt, HH:mm:ss

Measurement System

Controls whether measurement values are displayed to users with metric or imperial system units (e.g. meters vs feet).


After changing, please check anything that relies on measurements to ensure their values are correct e.g. "Must Complete Within" on tasks and Location fields on screens.

Start of Calendar Week Choose how calendars across the platform should display the start of the week.



Advanced Options

Metadata Add additional information about this organization by specifying key/value pairs. These values can be accessed across the platform by using the ORGMETA('key') formula function.

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Extra User Info Add custom properties to display against the User record, enabling additional information about the User to be captured. You can link this field to an existing data source for a predetermined list of values. Values can also be accessed via the USERMETA('key') formula function, using the 'Field Name' as the key.

Used to set the same metadata for all users that can be manually edited at a user level, which takes precedence. Supports static and data source driven values.
Purge Trash After Items that are removed (trashed) remain available for recovery from the Trash Bin area. By default, the system permanently deletes Trash items after 30 days. Change this value if you wish Trash items to be deleted sooner.
Fill Repeat Rows on Export

Repeated data (e.g. repeatable pages in a Form entry) is exported by the platform as separate rows for CSV and other tabular formats.

When this option is selected, all non-repeat answer values are copied down into each repeat row.

This can be useful for cases where other systems are importing these tabular exports, and those systems need to process all answer values on every repeated row.

If you wish to instead have blank cells for non-repeat answers in repeat rows, unselect this option.

Turning off this option effectively provides a grouping mechanism within the tabular export, with only repeat answer values populated in repeat rows. This can be useful for cases where the exported tabular file is being reviewed by humans instead of machine imported.



Organization Setup - Advanced Options - Fill Repeat Rows on Export


Auto-Complete Tasks

If selected, every Task will automatically be marked as complete when the assigned user checks off all activities on the Task.


If this option is not selected, assigned users will need to manually confirm completion of each Task. This can be useful when you wish to allow the user a chance to add notes on Tasks prior to marking as complete.

User Time Zone on Exports

Enable this option to ensure that data exports apply the time zone of the submitting app user instead of the organization time zone.

Be sure to specify a time zone for each of your App users via the Edit User page.

Require Login For File Links For ease of use, images and other files captured in Forms through Media, Attachment and other fields are accessible anonymously via the unique link to the file. The file link can also be generated via our FILEURL() formula function. This option disables all anonymous access to such files, instead requiring a valid user login in order to view these files.
Primary Access URL Your account's primary access URL to Appenate's servers/your account's web portal. (required)

Default, node depending:
Secondary Access URL Enter in a second access URL/valid domain for the web portal that points to Appenate's servers. (optional)
Tertiary Access URL Enter in a third access URL/valid domain for the web portal that points to Appenate's servers. (optional)



API Keys

Company ID Your company's unique ID, normally required when using our API Explorer.
Private Token

Useful for external integrations, where a shared private token is needed for authentication. This is system generated by default, but you can specify a value from an external system/integration if you prefer.

Automatically included in Hosted GET calls for this reason. Accessible via the {{%PRIVATETOKEN}} builtin for use in REST connectors.

API Full Access Keys

Data marked as personal/sensitive will be returned as plain text in responses.

Maintain your integration by using one key when regenerating the other.

API Anonymize Keys

Data marked as personal/sensitive will be converted to a non-human-readable format in API responses.

Maintain your integration by using one key when regenerating the other.

Enable User API Keys

By default, API access is available using organization level API keys, however, these keys give full access to all API endpoints without restriction.

When integrations are being built by internal developers this is generally not an issue, however, if you need to provide external/third-party integrators with API access then more granular control will be needed.

You can enable granular control via this option, which activates the ability to generate API access keys on a per user basis. When our API is accessed via a user API key, our system automatically applies the access level and permissions of that specific user to their requested API operation.


For example, if the given user has an access level of Read-Only, then API calls using their access key will only be permitted to perform GET operations on our API endpoints. Similarly, if the user does not have permission to access Data Sources, then all attempts to access our Data Source API with their key will be refused.


In this way, you can set up a dedicated, access restricted user for your external developer and easily control which API calls they are able to make.



Global URLs

Global Forms REST URL Specify a global REST endpoint for use by REST Form connectors
Global Tasks REST URL Specify a global REST endpoint for use by REST Task connectors
Global Data Source URL

Specify a web service endpoint that can be used globally by Platform Sync and connectors in Data Sources.


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Email Service

Add Service Add a SendGrid Email Service to manage the sending of system emails.

Use your own SendGrid Account.



External User Authentication and Provisioning

Add Connector Authenticate your users against an external system - e.g. a web service or enterprise identity provider. User passwords are never stored on our platform when external auth is configured.

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Session Expiry Specifies the maximum amount of time that a user session is permitted to remain logged into the web portal without any activity. Upon expiry of this timespan, the user will be automatically logged out.
Password Policy

The password policy enforced for all users on the platform when they set/change their password. All passwords are also checked against a list of common passwords that are not allowed.



A simple 6 character minimum password policy.


NIST SP 800-63

A phrase-based policy that is human-friendly yet still hard to crack.


OWASP 2017

A strict policy which favours complex passwords that are hard to break (but also harder to remember!).

Password Length If required, define a larger minimum password length than the one in your selected Password Policy
Password Expiry Select the length of time user passwords will be valid. Users will need to set a new password when it expires.

i.e. 14 days, 30 days, 90 days, 180 days, 1 year, Never.



Two-Factor User Authentication

Enable/Disable 2FA Enable two-factor authentication for your organization so that users have an additional level of identity verification required on logging in. This is an added security for your organizational data.

  • Disabled (default)
  • Enable for Portal Only
  • Enable for Portal & App



IP Whitelisting

Add Rule Optionally create rules that apply access restrictions to the specified areas based on the IP address of the requesting user or program.

If no rules are defined for the given area, then all IP addresses are permitted.


NOTE: Users with Enterprise Admin access level are exempted from Portal restriction rules to ensure continuity of access.


Email Settings

Address Settings

Default Sender 

The default sender’s name and email address will be used on any automated emails sent by the system. This field can be left blank if preferred.


NOTE: Emails may be rejected by the recipient email servers if you do not have an SPF record set up for the sender's web domain.


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Send Invite Emails

All User Invite or Reactivation emails will be sent to the email address defined. If this field is left blank the email will be forwarded to the invited user.

Reroute Password Resets

By default, the system will send Forgot Password emails to the user’s email address enabling them to self-reset their password.

Check this box if you wish to prevent this behaviour from happening and instead send Forgot Password emails to the ‘Send Invite Emails’ name and email address.

Send Notifications

Emails will automatically be sent to the given comma or semicolon separated addresses when errors and other important events occur. These events can also be seen in the Notifications area found on the web portal. 

If no email address is defined then notifications will not be sent via email but they can still be viewed in the Notifications area.



User Invite Email

Email Subject Customize the subject of invite emails sent when a user is created on the platform.
Email Body Customize the HTML body of invite emails.



File Name

Email Subject Customize the subject of file emails sent when a form is uploaded.
Email Body Customize the HTML body of file emails.



Notification Alert Email

Email Subject Customize the subject of emails alerting of errors and other important platform notifications.
Email Body Customize the HTML body of emails alerting of errors and other important platform notifications.



Add Connection Add Connections to authentication communication between external systems for Form and Data Source Connectors to push or pull data.

i.e. Amazon Web Services, Google, OneDrive, SQL Server and more.

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