
 App Setup Page

On the App Setup page is where you can customise a few basic in-app cosmetics (visible after...

 Key Concept: Data Sources

Data Sources let you create and maintain data sets for use in Screens. Examples of these are a...

 Key Concept: Docs

The Docs feature allows you to upload and manage any kind of file that you want to make...

 Key Concept: Screens

Screens allow you to assemble your app in an extremely flexible and simple way. Almost every...

 Key Concept: Tasks (Job Dispatch)

Tasks allow you to assign Forms, Docs and free text Instructions to specific app users in the...

 Pushing/Pulling Data To/From Other Systems

    One of the key features of our platform is the ability to "push" and "pull" data between...

 Testing Your Screen Designs (TEST Mode)

  Often you will want to make changes to an existing published screen.  Our platform lets you...

 Using Images in Your Apps

Our platform has a number of different ways that you can include images into screens to improve...